Experimental WREK RSS Feeds

| 1 min read

The experiment begins. I have two feeds of WREK radio shows as RSS with enclosure tags that point to the component files in the WREK weekly archive. I subscribed to both with get_enclosures and it worked great. During my scheduled run, the whole of each show automagically appeared in my iTunes. The next test will be this weekend, when my cron job should overwrite the current files with ones updated to new timestamps, and my get_enclosures should get them all over again.

Feed for Personality Crisis

Feed for the Hour of Slack and Bob's Slacktime Funhouse, the two Subgenius programs

Anyone who is interested in this experiment, feel free to play along at home. The former is punk/post-punk madness that is hard to describe but fantastic to listen to, and the later is sheer unqualified madness, Subgenius style. Yowsa yowsa.