Thermos Greenwood

| 1 min read

I'm listening to last week's Personality Crisis and Jon has on these crazy guys from Thermos Greenwood. I don't know how it is that I've never heard of them. They seem to come from that whole old Atlanta musician Glen Philips/Bruce Hampton/Swimming Pool Qs axis. I liked all the songs they played and want to find out more about the band. The banter between these two old southern guys reminded me of the Subgenius shows. Big chunks of their conversation could have been between Philo Drummond and Ivan Stang.

Listening to them talk with lots of hilarious asides and malaprops, at one point they made a normal statement but because I was conditioned to expect the wacky I misheard it. Although they didn't say this, when it hit my ears the statement became:

The hole is greater than some of my parts.

That sounds just dirty enough to be true.